Bunny Camp


Everyone takes a turn in one of the 4 runs in the garden, on grass, 2 x 9ft, 1 x 7ft and 1 x 6ft in length, so guests have plenty of room to run and play. These are covered, have under netting to prevent digging and sun / weather shades. I never mix animals, they will only have fun with whoever they arrived with, of course a nice friendly chat through the bars is acceptable. I try to give everyone at least 2 hours recreation time twice a day. Whenever possible, depending on numbers, I like to put them out for most of the day. So hopefully they will return home nice and chilled after their holiday. In winter / inclement weather everyone will take a turn in having the run of Bunny Camp, with access to the outside run via a specially made tunnel. If they can brrrave the weather. Indoor boarders will also have fun and games.

Apart from allowing your pet his or her much needed daily exercise, this fun and games regime allows me to check your pet for fly strike etc.

Run Left Side                    Run Right Side

Run Front                    Run Rear